Her body was made using an old flannel sheet. The attached head and shoulder plate was made using cotton sheets. I stuffed the doll with cedar sawdust and coffee stained her a bit. Her neck, arms and legs are tied at the joints with macrame cord. She has several hand sewn stitched on patches on her arm and a few stitches on arms and legs. The hair was created using macrame cord and vintage buttons. She has pinched nose and painted eyes and mouth. These were sanded down a bit to give it some age. Her dress was made with an old cotton shirt. I sewed one of the top seams inside out as if it had been repaired by hand. I addes some old cotton eyelit trim to the bottom of her dress. It is held in a couple spots with rusty safety pins. She needed a patch on her dress so that was stitched on and held at the top with a rusty safety pin. Vintage buttons were added to the front of her dress. So....voila, my little Sadie is complete. She measures 21 inches tall. :o)Has now moved to CA. my auctions
Your dolls are amazing, I love them